You may have heard the Biblical account of Martha and Mary? Martha was the one who was busy making preparations, doing the work. And grumbling. Mary was the one who sat quietly listening and learning from her Lord. This last month I've been a Martha. Pretty much out of necessity this year, with construction slow for my husband. Not that I'm not grateful at all. I bake a lot of bread this time of year to sell to my ever-increasing group of customers. I keep warning my daughters that one day soon they will have the business and I'm going to play! But like I said, it's been very helpful this year. I'm always shocked at how much Finnish cardamom bread people buy. It's amazing really! Well, last night was my last baking endeavor of the year. 72 loaves! Orders came in Kate, I hadn't exactly added everyone up, & sure enough, I was up until 4 am baking 72 loaves of bread, back up at 8 to get started delivering.
I still feel like I'm gonna have a meltdown from fatigue! But I made it! I'm done! And now I just want to be a Mary!
I will have a good time with my family celebrating Christmas, there's no doubt. But more importantly, I'm ready to rest. To contemplate WHY we celebrate Christmas. To be awed again by the ever-loving Father who has had so much mercy and patience and love. For the miracles He's done and is still doing. Yes, now it's time to sit before the warm woodstove and just rest in Him!
I truly hope each of you have a wonderful celebration and enjoy the blessing of God's grace to us all.
Merry Christmas!
PS thought I'd show you how my husband and kids put up the tree lol! He promised a smaller one. Well, maybe it was a LITTLE smaller but not much! He has to wire it from the beams! Crazy guy!