This time of year, I get, like everyone else in the rainy areas, a, how shall I put it....totally frustrating desire to go garage saling, only there aren't many this time of the year here in rainy NW Oregon. So, you do like everyone else, you go to thrift stores, you go to junk stores, you just find ways to make it through the dreary winter, where the rain pours, but the junk finds dry up. And then, finally, some good junk comes into your path, and you grab it, and since finds are more rare these days, you go to your blog, and you do a show and tell!
So, here are my finds from a fun trip to Portland Saturday. We even got a little later start than I prefer, but hey, the housework was done, and I LOVE to come home with all the work done!
I came across these ironstone pieces, all shoved into a broken shoe box. They may have at one time been someone's treasure, as the bottoms had this stickly substance I had to clean off, like they were stuck to a shelf in fear of falling to the floor during a hurricane. I thought they were even chippier (if that's a word) than they turned out to be, they just needed cleaned. That was a fun thing to find!
My daughter found some jeans she loved, got washed up, was happy with. We always seem to find things for "someone else", and this time, my husband spent some time on his cell, trying to determine if he should buy some bar stools for our daughter. I'm thinking, we don't have much time hear, we need to hit the stores, look, buy and leave, not do phone tag! Turned out, like I tried to tell him, it wasn't what she wanted, but I'm glad he was thinking of her!
I found some neat old embroidered dish towels, some other things, and other small things. I think one of my favorite finds, though, was this bluish-greenish typewriter! I thought it was awesome! So, I did get to do "some" junking. We didn't make it to the "pound store" this trip, but I haven't found much there lately anyway.
Sometimes I have to ask myself, "Why, self, do you need more junk, when you already have a bunch of stuff to work with?" Well, some people have shoes, some people have clothes, I have....junk....to play with! It is, after all, about the thrill of the hunt, right? The treasure that catches your eye, when everyone else thinks, "it's junk!" I know a LOT of people who love good junk! Maybe I should label it....a treasure!
Speaking of treasures, my friend Jana, is having a flea market in our town on January 16th, at the Legion Hall in Clatskanie. She asked if I'd mention it, and if anyone would like a space, she's doing it for $20. a table. The proceeds are going for a mission trip she is going on, and right now I can't remember what country she is going to, but it's for a great cause, and for a great price! A fun way to spend a Saturday! I know a few people who are planning to be included, I'm looking forward to it! If you're interested, let me know and I'll get you in touch with her.