It's definitely been a stunning week. With the news of the devastation in Japan, everything has had a kind of almost paralyzing feel to it. Not a "without hope" feeling, but a "what's coming next" kind of feeling. Here in the Pacific NW, we had a bit of scare, waiting to see what would happen. Not anything compared to the suffering and loss in our neighbor's home.
We go about our day, hear news continuously, shocked and yes, stunned. Fun things or things we enjoy almost have a senseless feel. Kind of like the feeling you get when you're going through something awful, and still can laugh. You feel confused how you could smile when your heart is breaking.
Life is sometimes such a puzzle. A difficult one. The road is rough at times and smooth in others.
I've been watching a family via posts from their web site, going through the devastation of having their daughter get hurt in a car wreck and end up in a coma. I've been watching all this time (since November), the family pouring out their raw broken hearts, their struggles with their humaness, their ability to still say , "we trust God even in this", and I've wondered and hoped that I could be able to do this. I don't borrow trouble, but I believe the Lord will get us through our days, however they are numbered.
I need to not waste my time. I need to hug my kids more. I need to lay stuff down that burdens me, even unfair things. Especially unfair things. I need to trust my God even in the hard things.
I don't have to understand everything that happens, but I am called to pray, to hurt for the hurting.
Our world is small. I recently "met" a kind lady from Japan who I had conversed with back and forth. My first thought when I heard of the disaster for the Japanese people, was, "is Yuki ok?" almost selfish that out of the whole country there was only one person I could think. I did immediately write, not really expecting an answer, but right away, she did answer! Yes, she was fine, but very concerned, of course. She was fearful for her friend who she hadn't heard from, & I'm still hoping to hear back good news that yes, she did finally hear from her friend. I haven't heard yet.
But I can pray, and I do believe that God, who created this world, has a plan.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Karen I couldn't agree more with this post, I too have been thinking how we just continue on with our lives when there is so much devastation going on around the world, I am thankful that the west coast was spared such devastation. I am truly thankful for the Peace I have in me that can only come from God, He sees us thru even when we see no end, He is a God of Love and Hope and I pray He will pour Himself over Japan and the lives of those affected. God Bless!!:0)
Yes we need to send our healing prayers to all those who have been affected by the losses of all those concerned during all this turmoil. Hugs Florence
Is God sovereign? Yes. Is God faithful? Yes. If He is sovereign, and faithful, He is trustworthy. I have said this a lot to myself over the past 2 years. I know it to be true. Even when we don't understand, He is. He doesn't ask me to like whatever 'it' may be. He does ask me to trust.
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