Ha~! Like that title? Well, after I tell you what it means, you're gonna love, love, love me, especially if you are in the Pacific Northwest.
In our little tiny town of Clatskanie, Or. there lives a couple of friends. Well, there are friends, and there are Junky friends. These are junky friends. You know the kind I'm talking about. The kind that hoard awesome treasures! Well, these two women have, over the space of the last year, opened two awesome shops, side by side in our little town, that are well worth bragging about!
Meet Kelley, one of the most awesome primitives collectors I've ever met. When Kristin (my daughter and I) had our little shop, we had a lot of Kelley's fantastic things to play with. That was several years ago, and since then, Kelley has had booths at the Kalama, Wa. antique shops. But she has now begun to realize her dream! Having her own shop! The pictures I got, I'll admit, aren't the greatest, but hopefully they'll give you an idea of what you'll find. This girl has EVERYTHING, I'm not kidding! I love how she uses her shop space, which, by the way, isn't small. She has it packed full, and every little corner has a little surprise. Her personality and decorating talents are combined in the whole experience. Meet Kelley, of "Cronies", open Mon-Fri-Sat, 10-5, Sunday 1-5. I can't remember the name of the street, but it's right before our only stoplight in town. Right off of Hwy 30, on your way to the coast. If you're coming from Portland, head west on Hwy 30, we're about 60 miles from Portland, and 15 miles from Longview, WA.

She's got so much fun stuff packed in this shop, the pictures don't even begin to show you all her little vignettes.
I know this picture is bad, but I thought it was funny. This little section, she's decorated with a coastal theme. See those sock monkeys above the window? They're her "Sea Monkeys!"
I believe she's eventually hoping to have coffee too, and she should! It's the kind of place you feel so at home at, and she is so friendly and warm. NOW, when you visit her, PLEASE tell her I told you about her! She'll think it's awesome!
And while I'm at it, I have to show you Kristi's shop! Redemption~Junk Salvation for the Vintage Soul.
Kristi's shop, while not as large, is a wonderful artistic experience! I think of the word "color", awesome color, with a light and airy feeling. You'll get an idea of what I'm talking about when you look at my (admittedly poor) photos. It'll be enough to entice you to stop off the beaten path and see what our little town has to offer.
Kristi does some beautiful things with old junk, and she has a great knack for finding it. Besides vintage treasures, she has jewelry, handbags, and all kinds of gift ideas for your special friend!
Kristi is open Fri, Sat, Mon, 10-5, and Sunday 12-4.