Love this Oregon weather we're having! It was so warm last night, that we were out swimming at 11 pm! And barbeque-ing is definitely what I'm doing tonight! I did it last night too, at least with the hamburger. I didn't want to have "hamburgers", so I made meatloaf, made it into patties, and grilled them, BUT, I didn't listen to Randy when he told me not to make baked potatoes. Later, I wished I had. Our house stays pretty cool, and we don't need AC, but I had a steam bath going in here last night!
I'm going to be showing some friends how to can fruits & veggies, & stuff, but didn't want to know that my greenbeans are ready to pick NOW! I went out and checked this morning, and sure enough, there were some ready. But this week is a little warm to have a houseful of canners going when, selfishly, can be playing in nice cool water with my kids, so next week it WILL happen. I usually like to have a greenbean teepee and this year I guess I goofed and planted the wrong kind of beans. Actually, a LOT of my seeds were given to me by a friend who had a "garden party" and had all kinds of neat little favors at her party. She had given so many seeds away I hardly had to buy any seeds this year lol. I have some very nice friends!
I also wanted to show you my $20. cabinet. When we were in the Wallowa's, we happened on a yard sale, on purpose lol, and I was looking at stuff on this cabinet, and the lady said, "I'll sell you the cabinet for $20." Well, sure, I'll take it! I should actually have taken a picture of it first, b/c it was sooooo 70s I couldn't really, well, stand it. It actually had amber wavy glass in the windows. I don't know why but that reminds me of a bad party! On the way out the door, following my husband as he is hauling it, I told him I couldn't wait to get rid of the amber glass. If you love amber glass, sorry. It is solid wood, and it had a wood finish, but I just really thought it needed to be a buttery color. I'm not actually done with it I guess. I wasn't going to chip it up, but since my husband did chip it when he put it back together, I need to get the sand out and finish his job for him. He got irritated that I left the knobs on and painted over them, but you know, I like it like that. I was going to put chicken wire in the windows, but he is going to put glass in it, and I'm going to let him have his way. I didn't know if I was going to actually keep it, either, but I had him bring it in off the porch, and I think I'm getting attached to it.
I used to get so attached to things it was rather a sickness. When I was little, I didn't like to throw rocks in the river, cuz I knew I'd never see them again! Weird, huh? Well, I'm over that, after all, where I live, it used to actually be a rock pit, and my dad made his living hauling round rock out of it to places like Bonneville Power, etc. I have enough rocks!