I have the most wonderful bread customers! And they love bread! As you've most likely noticed, I bake a lot of Finnish Cardamom Bread at this time of the year. I've done several sales again this month, and I have to say, people are still eating bread. And marionberry coffee cake! Thank you if you are one of my bread lovers!
I am trying something new the next few weeks. I signed up to sell in Astoria at the Winter Market. I've ALWAYS thought it would be so fun to do the Sunday Markets, but they are,..well...on Sunday. That's pretty much church and family day for us, so I haven't done it.
This winter, they are having an indoor market, though, and it's on Saturdays and Sundays, you can sell on either or both days, so, I thought I'd give it a try. I know there are plenty of Finns down there haha. So anyway, if you're in Astoria, stop by the Market at 14th and Duane, and say hi!
I'll be there the Saturdays of Nov. 26th, Dec 3rd, and Dec. 10th. AND my daughter will have her cute little kids' clothing, too! Fun, fun, fun! She's made some of the most darling things with a vintage flair.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration, being thankful for what you have, and for Who loves you! ~Karen
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
A Busy November
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I will be baking all of Thursday for a sale on Friday, then coming home and baking most of the night for the next day! But I love it. By the way, I will have the marionberry coffeecakes, too. I get in trouble if I don't bring those~!
My daughter, Kristin and I both love to bake, AND do vintage sales, and some handmade creations besides. These sales this winter can't involve vintage, (unless we sneak them in a props!) but we'll be having a very full menu on our plates as it is. If you get down to the Longview, WA area, stop by and see us. If you need directions, just send me an email.
I'm not "positive", but I believe we'll be in Astoria, OR after Thanksgiving, doing their Winter Market. I've talked to the lady, and sent in my registration, but I still need to confirm it, so I'll post on that later.
It's always fun when we're at a sale and someone says, "I read your blog". The first time it happened, it kind of embarrassed me, because I knew NOTHING about them, and they knew what an airhead I AM lol. Anyway, don't be shy, say hi! ~ Karen
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Searching For Blue
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There is some blue there! |
Oregonians don't use umbrellas either. Well, some do, but not most. Our fall scenery is gorgeous. I see pictures of the eastern part of our country, and they remind me of what we get; lots of reds and oranges. Oregon is all about trees, you know.
Well, I've decided that I need to start taking more Vitamin D. I need to get outside more this winter, even if it means to the greenhouse. I need to appreciate every break from the rain that we get. I confess, although I'm a native to Oregon, (even native to my neighborhood), I haven't in the last few years appreciated the rain. I go through the day reminding myself that the rain is what makes our state so beautiful. It gets tough, but I'm determined.
As I was driving in my car the other day, we had one of those really cloudy, dark skies, and wayyyyyyy in the distance I could see a piece of blue sky. It was a brilliant blue, with sunshine in it. I decided that even when it's cloudy, whether it's the day, or if it's life, I need to look for that little piece of blue. If I can't see it, I need to keep watching, because it always does show up again. And when it does, I need to be ready for it! Expecting it!
I have a friend who has some serious health issues. She has had brain cancer; had that removed, and they put a shunt in her head. I don't understand it all. She had some kind of cancer in her thyroid, had that treated. She had all this while taking care of her inlaws! A year ago, she found out she has a new tumor in her brain, although it's not cancerous "yet", they said it was too dangerous to operate on. But it will grow. She'd been really sick, tried some new type of drug, thought she was doing better, losing weight, which her doctor told her the medicine would cause. THEN shel started having symptoms that she assumed were pre-menopause. She had a check up and the Dr.'s office called to tell her that she has uterine cancer! Then, with all those tests, the new doctor saw the brain tumor, and said, "It has to come out!". So, she is facing the unknown. My heart just hurts for her. But you know what? She is trusting God to heal her. She is fighting. She is LIVING! She's been painting her kitchen! She's NOT sitting and crying, although she's had her moments. In other words, she is "searching for the blue", looking past the clouds. My little stuff is just that...small.
I want to enjoy every single day. I want to accomplish something every single day. I want to build stronger and stronger relationships with my kids and husband every single day. I want to be the friend that I should be to my friend(s). I want to thank God for how rich I am. Nope, not rich in dollars, but rich in life. Our experiences, our relationships, the things we see, belong to us. A rich land owner might actually be paying for the land around me, because he owns it, but the view is MINE! When we look out at that ocean sunset, and later our minds recall it, that ocean sunset is OURS! For free! Because it is something God gave us!
Sunset from my home. |
View from my mom's yard. |
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Harvesting Thankfulness
Friends visit under the gazebo |
Kids love the hammock! |
My boys learned to run a backhoe! |
Randy lifted the kids into the tree to pick cherries. |
People everywhere! We love it! |
My daughter Kristin was smart, she brought beans to snap & got help! |
It is so fitting that, along with a harvest, comes a giving of thanks. Why not, we have the bounty of everything that's grown all year. It feels a little like pay day, and it is so natural to just give thanks. To be thankful. God has provided.
This year has been a very "different" one. My husband, who is a general contractor and builds custom homes, has been around a lot! In our area, there isn't a lot of new building going on. We've used the time he's had off to get some things done around home. Now he seems to be getting busier, and thankfully, the work is just about done. I have to say, I'm amazed at how much we DID get done around here, from finishing the gazebo he started last year, to putting on a new roof, installing new flooring in the kitchen and living room, even remodeling my daughter's bedroom. Oh yeah, we were even able to get my grandkids' "fort" started. Fort? My husband got a little carried away, they actually are getting a building the size of a small cottage, that Grandma (me) would love to have! I don't know what I'd do with tower they added to it, but I'd think of something. I always said it would be nice to have my husband retire, but I have to say, it's pretty hard to keep on a routine. I was pretty glad for him to be back to work so that I could get a schedule back in time to start homeschool this fall.
Hope your fall is bursting with thankfulness!
PS Photos are from the old fashioned ice cream social we had with friends (except we didn't make it homemade) this summer. See, we found plenty of time to play!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Joy in All This Business of Life
On Valentine's Day, my son called and asked me, "Do you think it's weird if I don't get Janae jewelry for Valentine's Day? I'm planning on buying her a major piece of jewelry." My word were, "Of course not! She doesn't seem materialistic anyway, I think she'd just love your devotion." ----"WHAT MAJOR PIECE OF JEWELRY?!! Is this my son I'm talking to? So, he AND his 7 year old son proposed to her about a month later! Actually, my grandson spilled it and said, "Will you marry us?" before Steven could slow him down!
So, that was March, and then we had to scramble. He gave her NO time to plan a July wedding. Then he decided that he'd love to get married in my mom's yard, like his sister did. THEN he decided that we could have the rehearsal dinner in MY yard! So, for literally months, we've been working around here, getting ready for the wedding. My mom lives a few acres over, and her view looks down the river on a clear day. Beautiful setting. The rehearsal went well, then came the dinner. It started to drizzle. 60 people in my yard! My grandson built a fire in the outdoor fireplace, we had the gazebo (which my husband had been working on for months), we had a canvas gazebo, and my porch is large, so we still managed to actually have a wonderful time. Next day, Wedding Day, it rained like I've never seen it rain in Oregon on a summer day. Everyone was in a good mood, but it was a little stressful. On with the wedding, right? After the photos with the photographer it started to let up, and right at 5 pm, the sky broke open to a beautiful evening! The wedding turned out gorgeous. All those chairs I thought would be empty were full. The groom kissed his bride, and the balloons rose behind them. We danced 'til late into the beautiful night.
Funny thing was, the next morning, it poured down rain again! But we were so thankful that we had such a beautiful wedding.
Right after that, we barely got everything cleaned up and put away, and our church had their week long family camp! We're now recuperating from that and soon will have to start homeschool and canning and finishing up the garden! So, that's where I've been!
My grandson-fell asleep right before the wedding! |
I haven't even managed to get to to many yard sales or estate sales YET this year, but when we go on our camping trip I'm making up for it. It's an understanding that I at least get to go one morning! We've all worked so hard, it's TIME for a break before school starts.
Friday, May 6, 2011
It's raining outside, but it's summer in my heart!
After getting my mail today, I was pleasantly surprised to receive my Matthew Mead Summer magazine! If you have not ordered yours, you just MUST! I sifted through it really quickly (forgot to look for that golden ticket saying I won a prize, so I'll have to check again), and wished I could sit down and just drool over what I saw from my first peek. It is another amazing edition. I loved "Holidays", and I don't want to say this is better, because the holidays have their place of importance, and a whole different decorating, wintery theme. But "Summer!", now this is wonderful. He hit right on my favorite season.
The ideas in this magazine (is a magazine this thick and nice and beautiful called a magazine?) are so fun. The color is amazing, the photography spectacular. We are having my son's wedding rehearsal dinner at our place, and I saw some fun things to do for our party. I admit, I was thinking more of "what's on the menu" than, "how will we decorate", but now I'm thinking we're going to have to do some of those little special desserts, and wonderful display ideas. So believe me, you WANT this magazine!
What else has been happening? We're wrapping our end of the school year, getting ready for the gardening season. We'll soon get the pool running in case summer decides to come. And since I'm an optimist, I'll be ready for those warm breezes, kids playing, and lazy type days to enjoy.
But before I get too laid back, I need to get to my stockpile of fun vintage stuff, sort through it, tag it, and get it ready for....A Vintage Gathering's June 25th Sale! They are hosting several this year, but with so much going on....we just couldn't do it all. We are excitely anticipating seeing these wonderful ladies and all their wonderful goodies. It amazes me how many awesome treasures they find, and their sales are always such friendly occasions. They have a neat bond between them, and they've graciously adopted us into their "family" for special occasions. But to all our "Vintage Gathering" friends, we're hoping to get to your sales even in we aren't under our own tent! It's just too much fun. If you haven't been to one of their sales, click on the following schedule, and it will link to their blog with all the info you need. Happy Shopping! And may all our spring and summer days be sunny and bright with laughter!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Show and Tell
It's been awhile, and I've been going every whichway, trying to work with the weather, either doing indoor or outdoor projects. I really dislike needing to be indoors on a sunny day, so I'm trying to make good use of the rainy ones. Like yesterday, my oldest daughter & grandkids came over and helped me and my youngest ones rip out all the carpet in the living and hallway. My husband was...surprised, maybe a little overwhelmed because he's still working on the kitchen flooring. But it was raining!
And since it is also raining today, but I hear it's supposed to turn sunny SOON, I've been trying to work on my Etsy shop, which has been slightly neglected lately. Not to mention, getting my "studio" cleaned up! It's where all my Etsy finds get put, (well, a LOT of them haha).
We don't have regularly scheduled broadcasting in our house, and haven't for most of my adult life. We do have videos, but, as you can imagine, we're gladly behind in all the programs out there, unless someone tells us about something they think we might like. Well, we did finally get netflix. And enjoy it, (we've gone through ALL the Andy Griffiths, Gomers, (except I had never noticed how much yelling went on through that whole series!). My daughter told us to watch "Hoarders." Wow! That's interesting! What's more interesting is that my teenage daughter started hauling out boxes of stuff to take to our church rummage sale! Made me want to get in my studio and clean. Made my husband mad because we teased him about hoarding books lol. I never thought he had a "real" problem, but he did get a little defensive lol. Me? No, I don't have a problem, hehe. Actually, I've been decluttering a lot of my own personal stuff, going through a lot of my things I'm tired of cleaning. I've been known, like now, to own a huge set of dishes I received from someone dear, and kept for years and years, not wanting to tell her they weren't my style, not wanting to hurt her feelings! Well, I must be getting old, because now I want to keep only what I really love and use.
In my studio, I came across some things I'd found recently. Cool things for the right person! Like this chain purse. It is just adorable, found it at an estate sale. I'm NOT in a hurry to wish for fall at ALL, and I'll probably get them into my Etsy shop wayyyy before then, like soon, but I was surprised to find a bag full of these vintage Halloween decorations. If I liked/celebrated Halloween, I'd keep them, but I don't and I'm not. Did think they were rather notstalgic looking, like something Martha would have in her magazine under collections.
So, that's what I've been up to! Remodel projects, gardening, greenhouse, tons of yard work, homeschooling, and yes, even some Etsy!
And since it is also raining today, but I hear it's supposed to turn sunny SOON, I've been trying to work on my Etsy shop, which has been slightly neglected lately. Not to mention, getting my "studio" cleaned up! It's where all my Etsy finds get put, (well, a LOT of them haha).
We don't have regularly scheduled broadcasting in our house, and haven't for most of my adult life. We do have videos, but, as you can imagine, we're gladly behind in all the programs out there, unless someone tells us about something they think we might like. Well, we did finally get netflix. And enjoy it, (we've gone through ALL the Andy Griffiths, Gomers, (except I had never noticed how much yelling went on through that whole series!). My daughter told us to watch "Hoarders." Wow! That's interesting! What's more interesting is that my teenage daughter started hauling out boxes of stuff to take to our church rummage sale! Made me want to get in my studio and clean. Made my husband mad because we teased him about hoarding books lol. I never thought he had a "real" problem, but he did get a little defensive lol. Me? No, I don't have a problem, hehe. Actually, I've been decluttering a lot of my own personal stuff, going through a lot of my things I'm tired of cleaning. I've been known, like now, to own a huge set of dishes I received from someone dear, and kept for years and years, not wanting to tell her they weren't my style, not wanting to hurt her feelings! Well, I must be getting old, because now I want to keep only what I really love and use.
In my studio, I came across some things I'd found recently. Cool things for the right person! Like this chain purse. It is just adorable, found it at an estate sale. I'm NOT in a hurry to wish for fall at ALL, and I'll probably get them into my Etsy shop wayyyy before then, like soon, but I was surprised to find a bag full of these vintage Halloween decorations. If I liked/celebrated Halloween, I'd keep them, but I don't and I'm not. Did think they were rather notstalgic looking, like something Martha would have in her magazine under collections.
So, that's what I've been up to! Remodel projects, gardening, greenhouse, tons of yard work, homeschooling, and yes, even some Etsy!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
My Far Away Friend in Japan
It had been several days since I'd heard from my friend, Yuki, in Japan. She was not in the area of the devastation, but of course she's been affected by it. She'd been very worried for her friend, and finally got a message from her that she is fine. In some way, haven't we ALL been affected by this disaster? I can't think of a way that we haven't. Emotionally, physically for some, certainly economically. I was telling my kids that not one thing that happens in the world has a means of NOT affecting us all. We affect other people's lives every day, whether we know it or not.
Below, is the last letter I received from Yuki, just today. I asked her if I could share it. It's truly amazing how small our world is. We're not really that far apart! I actually "met" her from Etsy, and after back and forth visiting, it felt weird to say "goodbye forever". Like I've said, I hate goodbyes.
Here's her letter.
Dear my far away friend, Karen.
Since Sunday I've been feel bad, since I watch that terrible film on TV all day long, tears, headache, dizzy, nausea...and threw up..
But now feels good. I'm a little sensitive of sight more than common people... I was very shocked with that film.. And I am a crybaby..
My husband came back to Nagasaki, but he went to Kumamoto on business, and
yesterday he back to Tokyo again.
We're OK. I and Oniichan spend as usual. We have warm food and drinks,
warm bed and take a hot bath as usual.
Tsunami warning was released in Nagasaki.
I received e-mail from my friend lives in Iwaki Fukushima.
She is OK. But now she is under the evacation order waiting at home.
She stays in her home with her friend. Fortunately, they have preserved
foods and soft drinks but no water.
She said to me she is worring about radiation exposure..
I pray for her no radiation exposure.
I attacted and send the vintage greeting card with e-mail for her with our
The christmas card a boy holding a little lamb. I think that card maybe
make calm her spirit.
Yes, that cute animals cards are smiling for me, I can relax. They helps
me. I appriciate to artist's wonderful work.
I appriciate the rescue team with sniffer dogs camed from your country.I pray for the safety all of them.
I want to visit you with my friend Satomi. Satomi is the name of Fukushima
I read your blog today. Thank you for worrying about us.
Your far away friend YUKI
To bring some smiles to your day, I want to share these two video clips that my husband got from a blog he loves to read, Challies. I hope it makes you smile!
Below, is the last letter I received from Yuki, just today. I asked her if I could share it. It's truly amazing how small our world is. We're not really that far apart! I actually "met" her from Etsy, and after back and forth visiting, it felt weird to say "goodbye forever". Like I've said, I hate goodbyes.
Here's her letter.
Dear my far away friend, Karen.
Since Sunday I've been feel bad, since I watch that terrible film on TV all day long, tears, headache, dizzy, nausea...and threw up..
But now feels good. I'm a little sensitive of sight more than common people... I was very shocked with that film.. And I am a crybaby..
My husband came back to Nagasaki, but he went to Kumamoto on business, and
yesterday he back to Tokyo again.
We're OK. I and Oniichan spend as usual. We have warm food and drinks,
warm bed and take a hot bath as usual.
Tsunami warning was released in Nagasaki.
I received e-mail from my friend lives in Iwaki Fukushima.
She is OK. But now she is under the evacation order waiting at home.
She stays in her home with her friend. Fortunately, they have preserved
foods and soft drinks but no water.
She said to me she is worring about radiation exposure..
I pray for her no radiation exposure.
I attacted and send the vintage greeting card with e-mail for her with our
The christmas card a boy holding a little lamb. I think that card maybe
make calm her spirit.
Yes, that cute animals cards are smiling for me, I can relax. They helps
me. I appriciate to artist's wonderful work.
I appriciate the rescue team with sniffer dogs camed from your country.I pray for the safety all of them.
I want to visit you with my friend Satomi. Satomi is the name of Fukushima
I read your blog today. Thank you for worrying about us.
Your far away friend YUKI
To bring some smiles to your day, I want to share these two video clips that my husband got from a blog he loves to read, Challies. I hope it makes you smile!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Stunning isn't Always Fun

It's definitely been a stunning week. With the news of the devastation in Japan, everything has had a kind of almost paralyzing feel to it. Not a "without hope" feeling, but a "what's coming next" kind of feeling. Here in the Pacific NW, we had a bit of scare, waiting to see what would happen. Not anything compared to the suffering and loss in our neighbor's home.
We go about our day, hear news continuously, shocked and yes, stunned. Fun things or things we enjoy almost have a senseless feel. Kind of like the feeling you get when you're going through something awful, and still can laugh. You feel confused how you could smile when your heart is breaking.
Life is sometimes such a puzzle. A difficult one. The road is rough at times and smooth in others.
I've been watching a family via posts from their web site, going through the devastation of having their daughter get hurt in a car wreck and end up in a coma. I've been watching all this time (since November), the family pouring out their raw broken hearts, their struggles with their humaness, their ability to still say , "we trust God even in this", and I've wondered and hoped that I could be able to do this. I don't borrow trouble, but I believe the Lord will get us through our days, however they are numbered.
I need to not waste my time. I need to hug my kids more. I need to lay stuff down that burdens me, even unfair things. Especially unfair things. I need to trust my God even in the hard things.
I don't have to understand everything that happens, but I am called to pray, to hurt for the hurting.
Our world is small. I recently "met" a kind lady from Japan who I had conversed with back and forth. My first thought when I heard of the disaster for the Japanese people, was, "is Yuki ok?" almost selfish that out of the whole country there was only one person I could think. I did immediately write, not really expecting an answer, but right away, she did answer! Yes, she was fine, but very concerned, of course. She was fearful for her friend who she hadn't heard from, & I'm still hoping to hear back good news that yes, she did finally hear from her friend. I haven't heard yet.
But I can pray, and I do believe that God, who created this world, has a plan.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Little Excursions
Sometimes it seems like you do the same kind of work, day after day, and that's ok. But every once in awhile it is time to play a little! When I think of the last couple weeks, I've had a few "play days", doing things with other women. Artsy, fun stuff. It all kind of flows together though, because without some creativity in our lives, our homes would be a little dull, although, I have to admit, there is also something austere and beautiful about plain things, too.
A month or so ago, my niece asked if I wanted to take a class with her on making flowers. Well, sure. I think mainly, I thought it would be fun to do something like this with my niece and my oldest daughter, besides learning something new. So, we had fun making these:
A month or so ago, my niece asked if I wanted to take a class with her on making flowers. Well, sure. I think mainly, I thought it would be fun to do something like this with my niece and my oldest daughter, besides learning something new. So, we had fun making these:
Then, yesterday I had the chance to go to Battleground to see my friend Lisa. Her and Sally were putting on the Mad Hatter's Tea Party in their shop, "Uncovered Ruby". And what a fun sale that was! I'm amazed at all the work they go to, with all the details and fun they ad to their sales! I love their shop! They have some amazing vendors who bring their wares in, and each vendor has their own creative style. If you've never been there, you need to visit. Sally and Lisa are very sweet shopkeepers!
While at the tea party, Denise, from Arts and Scraps (who by the way, is another sweet-heart of a girl) was teaching a little class on making this:
Well, hers probably looked better, but, she was a good teacher! I even got home and had to try some more of those paper roses. Here are some more of my experiments:
These were so fun to make! If you live in the Battleground area (which I don't, but I sure do love the area!), you should visit her. She is very helpful and kind and creative!
Well, to round off the rest of my weekend (well, up to Saturday anyway), we took a drive to Astoria and Warrenton. I was going to do this yesterday, but with a Tsunami warning and all, I just didn't think it was a good day for heading in that direction. So, today we managed to go.
First stop, was to pick up my youngest daughter's guitar. She had somehow damaged it in her travels to and from youth group activities, so we took it to this man (Thompson's Instrument Repair) who was recommended to us. This is one of those wonderful old shops that I just love! Randy and I were talking about how wonderful it is to find these little mom and pop type stores, that are so full of character, do good work, and are nice to patronize. This man had quite a repair job to do, and we were surprised how low his rates were! Don't you just love the store-front? The inside was even more wonderful, but I forgot to take pictures.
OK, I know I'm getting long here, but bear with me. Our friends kept telling us we had to stop at this store, and we finally made it. Oh. My. It was awesome! Yes, Vintage Hardware at the Astor Hotel is something you MUST visit! It is packed with so many neat things! It is very well worth checking out, and once again, very friendly people. Can you tell I like nice people?
See what I mean? You've got to go!
Edit: How in the world I omitted it, but it was good to see all the other fun ladies I've met over the years at the Vintage Gathering sales, and Uncovered Ruby, etc. Good to see you ALL!!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Life on the Funny Farm

My daughter, Kristin, and I usually plan gardens around each other. We get the seeds, I usually start a lot of it in my greenhouse, she usually comes to help repot, then we split stuff up. It's fun and helps each of us.
This year she gave me 9 different tomatoes, I think around 6 peppers, all different things. 9 tomatoes Kristin? You're a crazy girl! She gave me a red and green cabbage too. This time I tried a system of a guy I saw on YouTube, and decided yo put a whole pkg of each in the little pot. I definitely didn't think they'd all start, but they did, and now we're the proud owners of way too many starts! I hate to let so many go to waste, but I'd probably have enough cabbage to supply a sauerkraut festival!
Today Randy, my 2 youngest, and 3 of my grandkids got out and played in dirt! Randy and Caleb (grandson) hauled horse manure with the tractor, then they dug holes and planted fruit trees, while my granddaughter (Talia, 3), planted potatoes.
I feel so blessed that family is so near, even my parents! They're just acres away! I can't imagine not being near family!

Monday, February 28, 2011
A Roof Over Our Heads!

Our first thought, was how do we use it? We decided to just open it up on Wednesdays for a Bible study, and we would still attend our other church on Sundays. Well, little by little, we've got a faithful group of friends attending, and it is something we just love! Yes, it's work, it's responsibility, it's commitment, but it's been a real blessing.
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See the guy up in the belfry? That's my sweetheart! |
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It's above the road, so it looks way up there, doesn't it? This is one side view. |
I am still amazed because I've always had a "thing" for this old church, and still feel really blessed that God would answer such a request!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Fun Funky Junk!
I think I get it from my mother. I sometimes pout. But today, I didn't have to pout, or beg, or anything! My husband is actually pretty good about junking with me. In fact, sometimes, he takes too long in a place junking, like he's gonna miss something. I complain sometimes, because I tend to think there's something better at the next stop. But he has been known to find some pretty neat things underneath something I walked right past!
We decided to finally finish our little bathroom, but I'm on a budget. We got a good deal on a regular type of vanity (but it has doors and drawers, something we never got finished on the one we had, and he got tired of putting it off). It has a golden oak finish, but we're going to darken it up with some stain. I decided that, since he's putting in the vanity, we may as well paint (which is a whole other job, because I had put wallpaper up and it's pretty much there to stay, so we are going through a recommended process of sealing, mudding it spackle, THEN painting.) He's taking it pretty well, so far. So, my daughter and I were sealing the wallpaper, and decided the medicine cabinet has to go, too. To shorten this story, yesterday, I got to thinking, "I believe the Junk Sisters are in Hillsboro this weekend!" I checked, and sure enough, they were. So before bed, I asked if he wanted to take me up there to look for a medicine cabinet. We had just looked the day before in some shops, and came up with nothing.
I don't know if it's because he got to take the day off from working on the bathroom, or because he was just as anxious as me to go junking, or if it's because we consider junking a date. He was awake before me and asked, "Are you ready to go?" Seriously, we're going to drive up? Instead of working on the bathroom? Well, sure, let's go!
And we were pleasantly surprised to find what we were looking for! Twice. And he bought both of them! Oh well, I'll be able to use the other one on my hot tub porch. I want it to look like a bathhouse anyway!
I had so much fun at the Junk Sisters Junk Salvation show! I am definitely dragging him to Puyallup (can't believe I had to look to see how to spell that!). It won't be too hard now! I've so far only gotten him as far as Uncovered Ruby and the Vintage Gathering sales, and that was only to help Kristin and I set up! But now, I think I've got him hooked! I love to broaden his junking scope a little! Hopefully, my daughter, Kristin, took my advice, and went up (since she was already heading to Beaverton) because she would have just melted over the vintage trailers at the show! So cute!
And you know what I think I love the best? The people! I saw some familiar faces all around, got some hugs, too. Once in a while you come across someone at these shows who've never had the opportunity to smile (I'm just assuming), but for the most part, everyone is very friendly, smiling, and happy to be surrounded by like-minded junk lovers and junk! (For some great photos, check out the Girl In Pink"s blog, she's got some awesome photos!)
So, what do you think, my favorite of the two cabinets is the dark one. I laughed when we got to the car with it, because we were standing there admiring it in the back of the car, when a man walked up and asked, "So, was it worth going to?" YES!! It was packed with all kinds of fun stuff, I tell him! He admired my cabinet, then said, "Looks like you'll have to replace the mirror though." Huh? No way, I'm not replacing the mirror! I like it like that! He just looked at me kinda of like I was a little kooky (which I am, but so are you if you read my blog) and shook his head. He just didn't get it. Maybe when he got inside his life changed! You think?
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