Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What a fun day-I did no work!!!

Yesterday was my birthday, and two of my grandsons came and spent the night at Grandma's to help me celebrate! Are you kidding??? They came to spend the night with their uncles! Yep, my boys are 9 and these two grandsons are 3 and 5. So you know, when they come to Grandma's house, I have to trip them at the door and remind them that, yeah, hey, here I am, the Grandma they came to visit! Oh, I know they love me, but it is a little different having young kids and grandkids at the same time.
Well, of course, they had to build the fort out of blankets and a card table. They had their cups laying there from the frozen fruit they consumed last night, they had their wet clothes all over the bathroom from their hot tub frolick last night. Aidan, the 3 yo, got up and said, "I'm hungry Grandma." Well, there was no cereal, so I said, how about if Grandma makes you pancakes? "No, I want flapjacks, not pancakes". So, here I was making panca.....FLAPJACKS, I get a phone call from Natalie, a friend we thought we'd totally lost track of. I have to talk on my cell phone out on the porch, I talked awhile, then remembered (because of the burning smell) the panca...flapjacks. Natalie was in our town, so of course I wanted to visit with her and invited her out. She had Joe (from Barn House) with her. I hadn't met him yet, but I thought how cool, cuz we wanted to get out to his sale in a couple weeks, so that was neat to meet him.
BUT, when I got off the phone, and started into the house, LOL my whole house was dark with the smoke. So, we opened all the windows, turned on the fan, started getting the messes picked up. I figured, like I always do, I'll give it my best shot to get my house ready for unexpected company and what doesn't get done, oh who cares???
It was sooooo good to see Natalie. Her and Joe were on a hunting expedition for primitives in our part of the country. They were going to stop at our shop, (bummer, we're not running it anymore), but at least we got to see them! BTW, click on the link to visit Barn House, you will love it, and I am anxious to go to their sale in a couple weeks!
Then my friend Bonnie treated me to lunch for my birthday and we sat and visited until after 5! So, it has been a fun day.

1 comment:

Barn House said...

Happy Birtday, Karen (a little late)! We didn't meet (this is Jermonne--Barn House "Captain of Correspondence"), but I heard about Joe and Natalie's visit. I think they are trouble together shopping...each feeding off of the others shopping frenzy! But, I guess that's good for customers. :o)


Oh, and thanks for mentioning Barn House on your blog! I look forward to meeting you.